Leitza, Navarra, Spain

Leitza, NC, Spain; Goizueta, NC, Spain
Est. 21.6km / 1 hr

Leitza, Navarra, Spain - Cya On The Road

LeitzaWith a population of roughly 2800 inhabitants, Leitza is located in the Foral Community of Navarra only 47 km away from the community’s capital city of Pamplona.The first historical mention of Leitza was together with the town of Areso in 1191 as Leitza et Aresso and en 1268 as Leyçarasso.The name Leitza has been associated with the Basque word “leiza” meaning “abyss” or “depths”, as well as the Basque word “eleiza” meaning “church”. However, these two hypothesis clash with other details of its longstanding pronunciation which does not correspond to these Basque words. For this reason, some etymologists describe as doubtful these links. Others believe the name is more strongly linked to the the names the Navarran towns of Leyún and Leoz (formerly Leyoz).Major annual events *  Ringing of the cowbells on January 4th. *  Epifany Cavalcade on January 5th. *  Carnival on the 4th Sunday and following Monday and Tuesday of January. *  Saint Agatha’s Eve on February 4th. *  Popular cross-country race in mid-April. *  Cultural Week the last week of May. *  Saint John’s Eve with festive bonfires on June 23rd. *  Saint Tiburtius patron saint festivities from August 10th to August 14th. *  Talo Day in mid-September. A 'talo' is a kind of pancake made from unfermented cornflour, grilled and eaten with sheep's cheese, chistorra (spicy sausage) or chocolate. It is one of the most traditional food products of the north of Navarre, particularly in and around Leitza. *  Mycological week in October. *  Day of Olentzero or Orantzaro (a folkloric character) on Christmas Eve, December 24th.

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