The Uffizi Gallery

Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Est. --- / 1 hr 6 mins

The Uffizi Gallery - Cya On The Road

Welcome to the Uffizi Gallery!The Uffizi Gallery is the most important art gallery in Italy and one of the most important in the world. It hosts about 700 artworks and has the richest Renaissance collection in existence, including iconic paintings such as Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Spring. In the gallery rooms, the nearly 2 million visitors the gallery receives annually admire masterpieces by Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio and many other great masters. As a thorough visit may require many hours, it is recommended that you pay more attention to a selection of paintings and, perhaps, come back in the future: the Uffizi can offer ever-new insights into art from the twelfth to the nineteenth centuries.We suggest some tours of the Gallery following different itineraries. Visitors inform, we inform you that unfortunately, due to room restoration works, the exhibition layout is frequently changed and the paintings may no more be arranged in chronological order. To facilitate your visit, a plan of the Gallery is available, regularly updated when such changes occur.Thus each artwork is associated to its current location, and the description is accompanied by its position on the plan.

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