Headquarters of the Direction of the Museums and Libraries of the Province

Salerno, Campania, Italy
Est. --- / 14 mins

Headquarters of the Direction of the Museums and Libraries of the Province - Cya On The Road

The headquarters offices are located on the first floor of the Migliaccio-Grasso palace, and follow the structural evolution of the building, from an initial seventeenth-eighteenth century nucleus, which used the city walls as a physical support, to the expansion made from 1810 to 1830, when the palace was embellished by the impressive staircase, in Parthenopean style. Around 1850 the current facade of the place was erected, which, closing off direct view of the staircase from Via Roma, enclosed it in the access courtyard: the apartments were enlarged by two new rooms which look out onto Via Roma, and conserve ceilings painted at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. As well as these three structural phases, other chronological periods have witnessed internal transformations to the palace, such as wall decorations. The furnishings, like the floor pavings, are comprised of furniture items recovered from various deposits belonging to the Province of Salerno: various types come from the antique Provincial Library, from American satin-walnut –a kind of wood only in use in the early twentieth century-- to the Italian walnut of the two bookcases in Liberty-Decò style, to the ebony-treated beechwood of the imposing bookcases of the Periodicals Room, and of the shelves in the first installation arrangement of the Museum of Salerno, at the end of the 1920s.Autore dei testi:Matilde Romito con la collaborazione di Silvia PacificoTraduzioni e voci:Italiano – voce Matilde Romito - Editing audio Associazione Culturale PrismaInglese – traduzione e voce Erich Nicholson - Studio Pippolaticomusic di Luca BechelliImmagini:Tutte le immagini sono di proprietà della Provincia di Salerno, autore Gaetano Guida

by Provincia di Salerno
La Provincia di Salerno possiede un vasto patrimonio culturale: musei archeologici, della ceramica, arti applicate, monumenti e biblioteche.

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