New York Crime: A Tour of the City's Most Infamous Scandals

New York, NY, United States
Est. 7.1km / 1 hr 30 mins

Welcome to New York. Walk quickly, scowl slightly, and you’ll fit right in.New York Crime: A Tour of the City's Most Infamous Scandals, will guideyou through the beautiful neighborhoods of Manhattan as you explore its ugliestcrimes. It’s the gritty and the pretty.

New York Crime: A Tour of the City's Most Infamous Scandals - Cya On The Road

You’re now standing in one of the dirtiest, most corrupt, wicked cities in theworld. It’s wonderful. And its scandals are the stuff history is made of. They are the moments thathave established New York's identity as the home of the ruthlessly ambitious,the wildly passionate, the daring, and the insane.

Here are just a few of their stories. Enjoy the tour.


Photo “New York City” by Aurelien Guichard is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

by ListenUp Audio
ListenUp Audiobooks is an audiobook publisher and full service audiobook production company located in Atlanta, Ga.

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