Land Art Flevoland Almere cycle route

Almere, FL, Netherlands; Almere-Stad, FL, Netherlands; Almere-Haven, FL, Netherlands
Est. 47.5km / 7 hrs 55 mins

Land Art Flevoland Almere cycle route - Cya On The Road

Almere is the fastest-growing city in the Netherlands. The city as we know it today took less than 35 years (!) to build and has no fewer than six districts and 200,000 residents. It's home to a number of sensational buildings by prominent architects too. What might also be particularly interesting is Almere's 42-km coastline. This bicycle route will take you past Almere's two landscape-art installations.This 51-kilometre route will take you past the Polderland Garden of Love and Fire & De Groene Kathedraal landscape-art installation.  The route features a number of cycling junctions. Your route starts at Junction 85 (near Landgoed De Kemphaan). However, feel free to start at any of the other junctions (because you're going to cycle a circular route).85 88 91 90 (As you approach Junction 93 from the direction of Junction 91, carry on cycling until you reach the Green Cathedral in the Kathedralenbos (wood). After taking a look at this land-art installation, cycle back to Junction 90 to pick up the cycle route via:) 90 89 87 86 84 83 76 75 35 34 04 05 06 28 25 31 33 78 82 81 84 85See EL for a number of cycle routes that take you past Flevoland's land-art installations.These cycle routes can also be found on Fietsknoop, a free app that will definitely be useful as you progress on your route past the various junctions. You'll find this route under "Land Art Almere" on Fietsknoop. The tourist and information office for Almere has other great cycle routes too. Almere is a very bicycle-friendly city. It has no fewer than 500 km of cycle routes, 440 km of which are made up of dedicated cycle paths.

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