Tour through Dresden

Dresden, SN, Germany
Est. 1.9km / 1 hr 10 mins

Hello and Welcome to Dresden!Dresden is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. Our city tour begins on the Theaterplatz square. Walk through the center takes about 1.5 hours and ends at the same place. During this time, you will learn maximum of the most interesting information about the history, attractions and people, who influenced the most the fate of Dresden.We will also tell you how to find the most famous museums in Dresden: treasure chamber The Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault) and Old Masters Picture Gallery, and much more. We will discuss where to taste the national cuisine and where to go shopping. We love our Dresden very much and we are happy to share our love with you.So, Dresden is located in the eastern part of the country in the federal state Saxony.It was founded back in 1206, but waited for its real flourishing until the 17th century. It was time when Saxony was ruled by charismatic and inimitable Augustus the Strong, legendary for his love affairs, but more on that later. It's time to hit the road!

Tour through Dresden - Cya On The Road


Photo Dresden by Javier Vieras is licensed under CC BY 2.0

by Travel Communications
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