Children's Tour - Dicovering City's Doors

Portalegre, Portugal
Est. 1.4km / 28 mins

Children's Tour - Dicovering City's Doors - Cya On The Road

The fortification of Portalegre village on 1290 was delimitated by Dom Dinis, with two orders of  walls that go through a total perimeter of 1200m, with twelve towers at equal distance and seven doors. This doors are what we are going to talk about today.Let's find out why they have this names, who was beat off close to a door, why one was displaced and another one was recessed on a wall, also which one of the doors is iconic to our city Portalegre...  Let's go through the walls and streets and discover our city's doors!It was created preferably for families with children between 6 and 14 years old and includes a short answer quiz to consolidate the learning acquired during the Tour.

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