Fort Rinella

Kalkara, Malta
Est. --- / 46 mins

Fort Rinella - Cya On The Road

Built in 1878 by the British, Fort Rinella was the most technologically advanced war machine of its day. Powered by coal-fired steam driven hydraulics, it could fire its monstrous 100-ton gun, every six minutes, sending a one-ton shell up to a distance of eight miles to pierce no less than 21 inches (65cm) of ship armour!Fort Rinella was one of four 100-ton gun batteries built in Malta and Gibraltar for the protection of the harbours. These forts became necessary with the building of two powerful Italian battleships; the Duilio and Dandalo, both armed with four 100-ton guns, each in revolving turrets. At the time, Britain used the Mediterranean as a quick route to India, and it was feared that the growing naval power of Italy, might tip the balance of power in the region.The 100-ton gun was first developed for Italy by the great British Victorian inventor and industrialist from Newcastle, Sir William George Armstrong. The 100-ton gun was the world’s largest muzzle-loading cannon ever to be built. It has a calibre of 45cm and it is 11m long. It fired explosive elongated shot, using a quarter of a ton of black powder. The cost of each round equaled the daily salary of 2,700 soldiers!

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