Museum of Paleontology

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Est. --- / 52 mins

Museum of Paleontology - Cya On The Road

The museum of Paleontology of Institute of zoology was opened in 1961 to the 40th Anniversary of the Republic (The resolution of Presidium of AS Kaz SSR for No. 44 from April 29, 1961). The main aim of the museum: to show variety and development of fauna of Kazakhstan since the most ancient times up to present; to carry out promoting of achievements of zoology and promotion of idea of conservation of Kazakhstan.There are shown the unique collections of fossil fauna and flora characterizing almost all geological eras of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Kazakhstan. The exposition is presented by the skeletons and remains of the died-out animals which are brought together on the territory of Kazakhstan. In cases are presented the original exhibits characterizing fauna of Kazakhstan of different geological eras. In a zoological exposition are presented the vertebrate animals of the modern landscapes of Kazakhstan. The idea stands out for protection of fauna, and especially the animals, which included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The museum gained wide popularity and popularity far outside of our Republic during the existence. The musem was visited by prominent politicians and scientists of the former Union and by many other foreign countries' representatves. Information about Museum of Paleontology is published in various magazines, reference books, encyclopedias on various languages.The importance of the museum of the exposed exhibits on uniqueness is invaluable. It is the only museum of this type in Kazakhstan. The biodiversity is reflective of fauna of Kazakhstan, in contrast to the national natural-historical museums of the world; they expose everything in the expositions that they collect, buy from all around the world.

by РГП "Гылым Ордасы"
«Ғылым ордасы» это слияние «Дома ученых» и «Центральной научной библиотеки» Комитета науки Министерства образования и науки Казахстана.

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