Geological Museum named after H. Karapetyan of IGS of NAS of Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia
Est. --- / 1 hr 8 mins

Geological Museum named after H. Karapetyan of IGS of NAS of Armenia - Cya On The Road

The Geological Museum was established in 1937 based on the collection of Prof. Hovhannes Karapetyan, Doctor of Geological Sciences and Honored Scientist of Armenia. This collection, assembled by him since of 1944 acts during 40 years of professional activity, consisted of 1410 samples. Now, the Museum has more than 11000 exhibits.The Museum has the following departments: Mineralogy, Paleontology, Petrography, Natural Resources, Mineral Waters in Armenia, Natural Monuments of Armenia. Address:24a, Marshal Baghramian Avenue, Yerevan

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