Tour in Yerevan museums

Yerevan, Armenia; Arbat, Armenia
Est. --- / 3 hrs

Tour in Yerevan museums - Cya On The Road

Blessed with ancient history and colorful culture, historical landmarks and natural attractions, unique architecture and masterpieces of Ancient era, add to this the eastern hospitality of the sophisticated friendly locals and the splendor of Armenian diverse culinary delights, Yerevan or the so-called ‘City of the Sun and Light’ is Armenia’s vibrant capital and the largest city, where past and present meet.Yerevan has a history of thousands of years. Built in 782 BC this year Yerevan will celebrate its 2794th anniversary, a great event for all Armenians happily residing in one of the oldest cities in the world. Presently, Yerevan offers a variety of activities to go for and a number of places to visit and see. Since Armenians are considered one of the hospitable people in the world no tourist ever remains dissatisfied or feels like in a foreign country. The main places of interest are particularly concentrated in the central part of the city and therefore, are all within easy reach. Some of the places that will amaze and even cause goosebumps with their beauty and historical account are the magnificent Cascade opening the entire view of the city in front of you, the Mother Armenia that seems to guard the city against foreign invasions, the Opera House the architectural solutions of which are breathtaking, the Republic Square with its colorfully dancing and singing fountains, the exquisite Blue Mosque, which is the only surviving mosque in Yerevan, and Tsitsernakaberd the peaceful hill where the Genocide Memorial can be found.Yerevan is a small yet very beautiful city calmly lying in the Caucasus ready to amaze every visitor with its splendid and marvelous views, foods, places of interest and definitely, kind and warm attitude. Beyond a shadow of doubt it’s a truly intriguing tourist destination with all the ingredients for a memorable and active vacation. Bon Voyage!

by AM
AM - независимый разработчик аудиогидов по Армении AM - independent developer of audioguides in Armenia

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