Thematic Routes of Medieval Herceg Lands - Theme medieval

Ljubuški, Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Jablanica, Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Mostar, Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Široki Brijeg, Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Grude, Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Stolac, Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Herceg Novi, Montenegro; Pluzine, Montenegro; Zabljak, Montenegro; Pljevlja, Montenegro
Est. 498.9km / 10 hrs 25 mins

Dear visitors,

Thematic Routes of Medieval Herceg Lands - Theme medieval - Cya On The Road

To all of you who are fascinated by the stratified Balkan history, with the "Thematic Routes of Medieval Herceg Lands - Theme medieval" we want to show and illustrate a short period of its history from the end of the 15th century. Why would this period be interesting today to an average lover of history, a traveler, or tourist who, with particular interest, wants to discover the layers and meanings of the history of the destination he is visiting?

This is a story about the last great medieval feudal duchy in the Balkans, called Old Herzegovina. It belonged to Herceg Stjepan Vukčić Kosača, an impassioned, powerful and cunning ruler and conqueror, the most powerful noble of the Bosnian Kingdom. Material remains that speak of  his reign and the culture during this period can be geographically followed from the west, from the mountain settlement of Blidinje, the towns and settlements of Grude, Široki Brijeg, Ljubuški, Blagaj and Stolac, which are now in Bosnia and Herzegovina, all the way to the Mediterranean town of Herceg Novi and its hinterland, and in the north to the canyon of the river Piva, the town of Pljevlja and the mountain massif of Durmitor, which are now in Montenegro. The disappearance of the Duchy of Vukčić Kosača, the swan song of that period, the south - western Balkans will become a part of the history of powerful empires: the Ottoman Empire, the Hungarian Kingdom and the Venetian Republic.

By following the "Thematic Routes of Medieval Herceg Lands – Theme medieval" you will find out more about the interesting and forgotten world of feudalism – about the way of life of nobles, soldiers, craftsmen and peasants of that time. Either by riding a horse or on foot, you will find out which goods were transported along the caravan routes of that time, how family stone houses were built, you will see numerous remains of castles, have the opportunity to take part in medieval fairs and watch knights duelling. You will discover medieval tombstones “stećci”, unique in the world and listed on the UNESCO list of cultural heritage of humanity, you will learn a lot about religion of that period, how people were healed and what medicinal herbs they used, and you will try dishes that were favoured at that time. You will also have the chance to listen to folk music that has centuries – old roots, and a direct contact with the autochthonous population, discover centuries – old traditions and the way of life that is still being nurtured.

We invite you to feel the spirit of the ancient times and to explore Old Herzegovina.


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