Fort Monostor
Fort Monostor - the largest modern fortress in Central Europe - was built between 1850 and 1871. The classicist-style military historical monument on the UNESCO World Heritage List - offers a stunning view with its huge walls, precisely carved stones, a 3-4 meter thick earthwork covering the defenses and a 3 kilometer-long underground corridor system (casamates network). Its monumental dimensions are evidenced by the following data: the fort occupies 25 hectares, the total area including shooting ranges is 70 hectares, the floor area of the buildings is 25,680m2, the number of rooms is 640. The highest number of soldiers living in the fort was 8,000.During the 1.5 hour and approx. the 2km long tour, the visitors can learn about the history of the forts, and the original functions of the buildings, from the Firearms Training Hall, through the crew and officer buildings to the casamates.
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