Yellow line tour guide
The Yellow Line Tour is a youth project organized by Dili jan Community Centervolunteers. The aim of the project is to create a tour guide that al lows any visi tor tosee the city’s most famous at tractions without spending any money.The Dilijan Community Center (DCC) is a local nonprofit organization founded in 2014.DCC’s mission is to create a platform where al l citizens can access the resourcesthey need in order to become act ively engaged in the development of Dili jan. DCCoffers var ious educational, cultural, and social programs to its benefi ciaries,including Russian and Engl ish courses, theater , dance, chorus, and ar t classes. Twoyouth-run communi ty media projects are based at DCC - Di liRadio and "Koriz"community newspaper . DCC also supports Armmat, a social enterprise that sellsartisanal goods and provides financial l iteracy tr ainings for women. Finally, DCCorganizes the dedicate volunteer ism corps that made this tour
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