urbirun BIKE Berlin - Wall and East

Berlin, BE, Germany
Est. 26.5km / 4 hrs 25 mins

urbirun BIKE Berlin - Wall and East - Cya On The Road

Distance : 26km / 16milesElevation : flatDirection : unclockwiseUrban constraints : medium/lowSuggested start : Friedrichstrasse train station (but as any urbirun route, you can start anywhere along the route.Public transportation : S-bahn ou U-Bahn, Friedrichstrasse Bahnhof Station(S1, S2, S5,S7, S12, S25, S75, ou U6).You will see all the iconic landmarks of this city, that one morning was divided. The Berlin Wall was up. It lasted for nearly 30 years, and marked the history of this town, leaving a deep scar, still over 25 years after its fall. This route will guide you through the history of the Wall, you will run into History, passing through places, roads, squares, which we have all seen in pictures. The violence of family separation, the deprivation of liberty, the dramatic escape attempts, some of which have become very symbolic, among the more than 100,000 East Berliners who tried to escape, of which 136 were killed in Berlin itself... An intense route, which meanders from one side to the other side of the wall, as a snub to history. Just biking and enjoying, simply, free... Enjoy...If you want to get this tour as a .GPX file as well, for your smartwatch or your phone : click here

by urbirun
urbirun, the running audioguide to visit world's most beautiful cities. Courez, laissez-vous guider, et découvrez les plus belles villes.

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