Lost heritage of Cortona

Cortona, Tuscany, Italy; Tuoro sul Trasimeno, Umbria, Italy; Castiglion Fiorentino, Tuscany, Italy
Est. 42.9km / 1 hr 11 mins

Lost heritage of Cortona - Cya On The Road

Eachend every town and village across the valley can boast an immense lyrich and unique archaeological, architectural, artistic and landscape heritage. The scattered heritage originally recovered in the surroundings of Cortona consists of both large and smaller archaeological artefacts; accidentally uncovered at different sites across the municipal territory, all the way to the border with Umbria, they are now displayed in different Italian and European museums by which they were acquired under a variety of circumstances. Notable finds originally uncovered in the surroundings of Cortona and now displayed elsewhere include the Orator, now on display at the National Archaeological Museum in Florence, the “Graziani Putto”, now on display in the Vatican Museums, two finally decorated scarabs now displayed at the British Museum in London and a sandstone boundary stone now displayed at the Leiden RiJks museum in the Netherlands, just tomention a few.

by MAEC Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Città di Cortona
Il MAEC riunisce in un unico percorso espositivo lo storico Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e il Museo della Città Etrusca e Romana di Cortona.

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