Waterways Explorer: The peaceful waters of the Sile

Treviso, Veneto, Italy; Silea, Veneto, Italy; Casier, Veneto, Italy; Casale sul Sile, Veneto, Italy; Roncade, Veneto, Italy
Est. 29.9km / 4 hrs 59 mins

Waterways Explorer: The peaceful waters of the Sile - Cya On The Road

The Sile is the most important resurgence river in Veneto. Over the centuries, the constant flow rate and relative tranquillity of its waters have favoured river transport and led to the construction of numerous mills and harbours. The landscape along its banks was characterized by intense productive, commercial and manufacturing activity.The fertile countryside of the Marca was the cereal store for rich and populous Venice, and its banks became the preferred destination of the Venetian aristocracy for summer vacations.

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