Gubbio, Madonna del Ponte

Gubbio, Umbria, Italy
Est. 1.6km / 31 mins

Gubbio, Madonna del Ponte - Cya On The Road

With the present work, the children of the fifth classes ofMadonna del Ponte, decided to get more knowledge on theirterritory in which our school is located, tracing the past in thearea where they live.The study of local history, considering sources in the archive,observing the sites of interest, with appropriate, exits and makinguse of the advice of the expert Fabrizio Cece, which made themaware that history, touches us from near and continues to persistin the present.The sense of social identity, and belonging to the territory hasamplified the enthusiasm, on carrying out the job.Respect, enhance local cultural heritage, make available all thehistorical and artistic information acquired, have become a needfor the children.For this reason they decided, to share the results of theirdiscoveries with the creation of a digital application, dedicated totourists of their age.

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