Between Etna, Nebrodi and Iblei Mountains: a tour of the State Forestry area of Catania

Ragalna, Sicily, Italy; Adrano, Sicily, Italy; Bronte, Sicily, Italy; Maletto, Sicily, Italy; Randazzo, Sicily, Italy; Maniace, Sicily, Italy; Milo, Sicily, Italy; Zafferana Etnea, Sicily, Italy; Aidone, Sicily, Italy; Militello in Val di Catania, Sicily, Italy; Vizzini, Sicily, Italy; Mineo, Sicily, Italy; Caltagirone, Sicily, Italy; San Michele di Ganzaria, Sicily, Italy
Est. 287.9km / 7 hrs 5 mins

Between Etna, Nebrodi and Iblei Mountains: a tour of the State Forestry area of Catania - Cya On The Road

Welcome!Perhaps not everyone knows that, among its many naturalistic beauties, Sicily can boast a woodland heritage of enormous value thanks to its rich biodiversity. This priceless heritage deserves to be better known, enjoyed, and respected.This audio tour aims to do just that. Here is a simple and intuitive tool to help you to discover the State-owned picnic areas, the mountain refuges, the botanical gardens and nurseries managed by Catania 10 Territory Service of the Department for Rural and Territorial Development of the Sicily Region. This digital tour aims to make use of the Regional State Forestry Company’s efforts over 10 years of activity to promote and protect our immense and splendid woodland heritage.First, you can discover the naturalistic beauties of the wooded areas, which grace Etna’s western slopes and those which lie between Etna and the Nebrodi Mountains, on the northern front of the vast Catania area; then, we will take you to the south-western front of the Catania area, with the Iblei Mountains to the south and the Erei to the west, which, together with the Ganzaria Mountain, take us as far as the area of Enna. Would you like to spend a day immersed in our woods’ clean air? Would you like to carve out a few hours of well-being, away from the daily grind, from the city traffic, from stress?Well, with this itinerary we will lead you to the places where picnic areas and mountain refuges have been set up to allow you to organize a special time with your family or friends, while enjoying the beauty of our Nature in total relaxation, yet in full respect of the environment which we protect and safeguard every day.This itinerary has been created created by Elisa Bonacini, on behalf of the Service 11 - Service for the Territory of Catania of the Regional Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Mediterranean Fisheries, Regional Department of Rural and Territorial Development.The credits relating to the images included in the itinerary are indicated in the captions. If you want to discover all the Etna Shelters, here is an interactive map by the Unesco Etna Park Site. Translation by Teresa Giblin.

by Demanio Forestale in Rete
Progetto di valorizzazione del Demanio Forestale di Catania

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