Our sister water

Rosolini, Sicily, Italy
Est. 5.7km / 1 hr 53 mins

Our sister water - Cya On The Road

In Rosolini there are 7 wells and a water source.The Prainito stream is famous which gives the name to the quarry where it flows. Prainito stream, right truibutary of the Tellaro river, bring water from Modica to Rosolini and along the flow there are small lakes and waterfalls immerse in a dense river vegetation.The source of Prainito is in the quarry which is called ‘’povere donne’’ that means poor women. The name derives from a legend that tells of some brigands who held captive some women, who safeguard their trasures. They were liberated by some shepherd called ‘’vasciddari’’ who heard the screams. They died a few moments later because blinded by the sun leaving brigands’ treasures to the shepherd.

by Istituto Comprensivo "F. D'Amico"
L'istituto comprensivo F. D'amico di Rosolini, comprende classi della scuola dell'infanzia, scuola primaria e scuola secondaria di 1° grado.

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