Health care and medical institutions of Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War

Qostanay audani, Kazakhstan; Kostanay, Kazakhstan; Qarabaliq audani, Kazakhstan; Äulieköl audani, Kazakhstan; Zhangel'din audani, Kazakhstan; Uzinköl audani, Kazakhstan; Meñdyqara audani, Kazakhstan; Zhytyqara audani, Kazakhstan
Est. 1,496.3km / 1 day

Health care and medical institutions of Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War - Cya On The Road

The scientific project is directed to learning the history of health care in Kostanay oblast’ during the years of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Theoretical-methodological aspects of the history of health care are dissolved in the theoretical part of the research. In particular, there are the role, the essence and the developing of health care during the War. Following the topic, there are attracted archival materials and effluent conclusions. The actuality of my research is that the modern learning of the historical past of Kostanay region is actualizing on exploring the segment in the specific aspect. It is the indicator of society level of well-being. Obviously, transformational questions and processes of the investigated time had contradictory meaning in the history of the society. Medicine and health care had been transformed during the Great Patriotic War according to the significance and the demand in process of the rise of the country, which resources were mobilized in short time for accomplishing the Great Victory. T That’s why in the perspective of adaptation the local, evacuated and deported population to circumstances of the given period the problem of establishing medical sector and health care was actualized. I chose medical institutions of Kostanay oblast’ during the Great Patriotic War as an object of the project. I am going to dissolve some topics and to perform following goals in the research: •to light up the characteristic features of health care system before the War;•to characterize the professional characteristics of the medical personnel;•to describe the prophylactic activities of the medical institutions during the years of the Great Patriotic War;•to analyze the antiepidemiological operations of the medical institutions in 1945. In the research, I will look through the regions where medical institutions worked for the blessing of the people and conducted medical activities. Basic information: Kostanay oblast’ consisted of 18 regions, 2 cities, and 231 village councils. The region occupied an area of over 170 thousand square km. There were 309 medical and prophylactic institutions, 39 hospitals with a total bed capacity of 1128 units, and 3 X-ray machines, 60 medical and polyclinic institutions, 120 medical attendant and obstetric centers, 17 children and female consultations with dairy kitchens, regular kindergartens for 690 places, 17 laboratories, 22 first-aid kits and 36 pharmacies. There were 84 medical doctors, 10 dental and 784 paramedical workers in the region. Kostanay region was experiencing an acute shortage of medical personnel.Thus, for 315 workplaces, 75 medical rates in the region accounted for 84 medical practitioners, which accounted for 80% of the pre-war level. Out of the total number of doctors, 73.8% are women, 8.4% are evacuees and 25% are special settlers and administrative deportees. By nationality: Russians - 59%, Ukrainians - 8.3%, Kazakhs 2.3%, Tatar 5.9% Germans 14.3%, and other nationalities 9.7%. In general, in rural areas there were 8,662 people per 1 medical post, in cities - 1,643 people, in the region - 4,838 people. There were 15 pediatricians at 67 pediatric medical posts in the region, 6 specialists for 13 obstetric and gynecological posts, and for 67.5 obstetric posts there were 52 midwives. In the period of the Great Patriotic War, despite the shortage of personnel, there was an increase in medical posts in the region.The management of the school in the difficult war years fell to the share of the general practitioner Saifi Hadichi Zakirovna, who was appointed director of the school in 1940. According to official data, 489 people studied at the school at that time. For 11 months of 1944, 810 cases of typhus were registered in the region.In the following 1945, an increase in the incidence of relapsing fever was observed in the region. If in 1944 there were 85 cases of relapsing fever, in 1945, according to archival documents, the number of cases of relapsing fever was 1366.It should be noted that many medical workers who worked sparingly awarded government awards. Sanitary activists conducted discussions with the population on the following health topics: “Typhus and control of it”, “Typhoid, dysentery and control of it”, “Personal and household hygiene”, “Influenza and control of it”, “Septic angina and its prevention".During the war years, a significant part of health workers of all levels were distinguished, which were marked by government orders and awards. Thus, in the period under study in the Kostanay region, employees of medical institutions showed unbending will and patriotism in order to ensure the health care system

by Затобольская школа-гимназия
Научный проект направлен на изучение истории здравоохранения Костанайской области в годы Великой Отечественной войны.

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