Miracle trip to Angels of Tobolsk

Tobolsk, Ural Federal District, Russia
Est. 3.6km / 1 hr 30 mins

Miracle trip to Angels of Tobolsk - Cya On The Road

The original text and the audio to this audio guide is made by Aleksandra Volkova.Some materials are taken from the audio guide by Natalia Zhuravlevahttps://izi.travel/ru/e5ed-o-chem-rasskazhut-angely-tobolska/ruThe creator of the sculptures is Dmitry Pribylnov Having the status of the spiritual capital, the town of Tobolsk is an Angel of Siberia, and has always been under the patronage of this extraordinary fiction creature coming from heaven.And finally, a miracle happened when 10 angels settled on the streets of our town, who tell the story of Tobolsk. Surprisingly, seven of them are located in the historical part, where we will get to know them in more detail. Merciful, Wandering, Architectural, Smiling, Musical, Literary and Contemplative - Angels are looking forward to meeting you.Our route is specially designed for you - connoisseurs who are looking for miracles in the ordinary, for those who believe in Angels-celestials and for those who are interested in the history of the great historical centre of Siberia, and just for the curious ones. The audio guide is presented in English and therefore will be useful to foreign guests of the city and even for the practice of English speech to everyone who studies this language.

by Вольный ветер
Частные экскурсии по городу Тобольску на русском и английском языках для иностранных туристов города. Пешие, вело, авто и водные.

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