Discovery Route: War Heritage

La Garriga, CT, Spain
Est. 1.4km / 29 mins

Discovery Route: War Heritage - Cya On The Road

The Civil War, from 1936 to 1939, has decisively marked the evolution and history of our country. And it has also marked the memory and memories of many people. Places, buildings, events that remain in the memory of the people who lived through them.We therefore propose a walk through the urban center of Garrigues, following some of the main sites linked to the memories of the war and enjoying, at the same time, the town's heritage. A small sample of a history and heritage that are intertwined and make sense together.

by Ayuntamiento de la Garriga (Barcelona)
El Ayuntamiento de la Garriga presenta el Centro de Visitantes como un espacio para conocer el patrimonio cultural y atracciones turĂ­sticas.

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