Discover Santa Margalida 6a: Dry-stone walls and almond trees

Santa Margalida, IB, Spain
Est. 14.6km / 2 hrs 26 mins

Discover Santa Margalida 6a: Dry-stone walls and almond trees - Cya On The Road

The landscape along the way features fields of crops in the vicinity of the town, surrounded by dry-stone walls known as "carrerasses", and a pine grove at the beginning of the journey to Santa Margalida. On this stretch of the route, by prior appointment, you can visit two local businesses of touristic interest: Aloe Vera Farm Mallorca and the winery, Bodega Galmés i Ribot. Lastly, it takes you past a series of flour mills and the old Escuela Graduada or Grade School (popularly known as Escola Vella), coming to an end in the town square.

by Ajuntament de Santa Margalida
Ă€rea de Turisme

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