Devils Tower Area History Tour

Beulah, WY, United States; Aladdin, WY, United States; Hulett, WY, United States; Devils Tower, WY, United States; Sundance, WY, United States; Moorcroft, WY, United States
Est. 274.5km / 6 hrs 6 mins

Devils Tower Area History Tour - Cya On The Road

This driving tour will take you around Crook County, Wyoming and show some of the history that happened right here in Crook County Wyoming. Through the years there has been a lot of history made in Crook County. Many Early Plains Indian Tribes made annual pilgrimages to this area to worship at the sacred mountains here. General George Custer came through here on his expedition in 1874 and the Gold Rush soon started. Miners and settlers pushed the Native Americans from their lands. And of course, The Sundance Kid got his name in Sundance Wyoming, which is the County Seat for Crook County. The tour will take most of a day and can be started and stopped at any point.

by Bearlodge Mountain Resort
Bearlodge Mountain Resort is located in the historic town of Sundance Wyoming in the foothills of the Bearlodge Mountains.

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