Unprotected Bike Lane: Bluff Creek Drive

Playa Vista, CA, United States
Est. 5.7km / 57 mins

Unprotected Bike Lane: Bluff Creek Drive - Cya On The Road

Link to route on Ride With GPS.This flat 3.5 mile ride is meant for people who want more experience riding in an unprotected bike lane. This ride has the Playa Vista Library as a starting point, heads South to Bluff Creek Drive then heads Northeast alongside the base of the Westchester Bluffs, before meandering Southwest through blocks of business headquarters. When scouted on a Wednesday afternoon, this route had light traffic, probably due to a lot of people working from home that would otherwise be coming in and out of the business park. This route is quick, but provides an opportunity to ride in a bike lane adjacent to a door zone and practice making left turns. This ride ends at Ballona Creek Discovery Park, where a number of interpretive signs and displays provide a great opportunity to relax and learn.

LACBC is a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in LA healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike.

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