IT R1- The Route of the Storks - Tua Valley

Vila Flor, Portugal
Est. 115.6km / 2 hrs 34 mins

IT  R1-  The Route of the Storks - Tua Valley - Cya On The Road

Tua Valley covers a variety of ecosystems, including riverside areas, forests, agricultural zones and mountains.This diversity creates suitable habitats for a wide range of birds, attracting a wide variety of species.The perception of the tourist potential of the avifauna present in the region. The "Stork Route" began with the personal observations of two beginners in ornithology, but very enthusiastic and lovers of nature and avifauna, noting the significant presence of storks in the region of the Tua valley.The project grew out of a genuine interest in monitoring and understanding the behaviour of storks, a bird that has always aroused curiosity and admiration.  Motivated by their passion for nature and their desire to learn more about storks, they began to systematically record their observations. His efforts included documenting nesting sites, migratory patterns, eating habits and interactions with the environment.  The two observers, over time, transformed their amateur activities into a more structured study, with the will that in the future the project can be extended to the entire territory of the lands of Trás os Monte, create a network of knowledge and conservation, focused on the observation and protection of storks and local avifauna.  In short, the "Stork Route" is an inspiring example of how personal passion for nature can evolve into a significant project with a positive impact on science and environmental conservation.

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