Discovering Villa del Casale
Welcome to the Villa Romana del Casale!The Roman structure, dating back to the late imperial times, to the IV century AD, 1700 years ago, because of its remarkable wealth of architectural and decorative elements, in 1997 was declared UNESCO World Heritage Site.Who owned this villa?We do not know for sure, some scholars believe that it could have been commissioned directly by some Emperor, but most probably it belonged to an exponent of the Roman Senate aristocracy, perhaps a governor of Rome.For its beauty it can be considered one of the most significant examples of rich Roman houses. The high profile of his owner is celebrated, eloquently, through the decorative motifs of its mosaics.With this guide, we want to offer you a simple tool to understand the structure of the villa, its environments and its decorative equipment.Come with us and discover the splendid Villa del Casale!Texts, images and reconstructions are property of the Regional Polo of Piazza Armerina, Aidone and Enna for cultural sites. Archaeological parks of Villa del Casale and Morgantina.The credits of the images and 3D reconstructions of the environments have all been reported in the individual captions. The drone rendering of the Villa in the summary and the videos with 3D models of the Frigidarium and the area of the Basilica were produced by the Institute for Digital Exploration of the University of South Florida. The texts in English and the voiceover are by Marialuisa Calatozzo, which is part of the Sicilia Beni Culturali project for izi.TRAVEL coordinated by Elisa Bonacini.
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