The Lunas, the Perollos and the famous case of Sciacca - Ecomuseum of the 5 Senses of Sciacca
Luna and Perollo are the names of two noble families, the former had Catalan origins, andthe second one had Norman ones, they were the protagonists of the so-called case ofSciacca: a long and bloody contention that also involved other noble families supportingone faction or the other.According to tradition, it all began in 1404 due to the marriage imposed by King Martin I,between Margherita Peralta and Artale Luna, the sovereign's uncle. It seems thatMargherita felt a requited love for Giovanni Perollo, who was appointed guardian of theyoung girl by her father on his deathbed.The marriage marked the rise of family Luna to the detriment of the Perollos' ambitionsand interests, not only romantic ones.The itinerary is composed of 9 stages and begins at Castle Luna, one of the mostfascinating monuments of the city which hosted the families Peralta and Luna. Thefollowing stages bring you to the discovery of the most salient moments of the heated feudmade by ambushes and sieges that started in the beginning of 1475 with the violentwounding of Pietro Perollo and ended in 1529 with the suicide of Count Sigismondo Luna.After being declared guilty of treason, the latter fled to Rome, seeking the protection ofPope Clement VII, a relative of his wife Aloisia Salviati Medici. The Pope asked SovereignCharles V for a pardon for his nephew Sigismondo during the coronation ceremony, but itwasn’t given to him. Thus, Count Luna decided to commit suicide by throwing himself intothe river Tiber, putting an end to the long and bloody chapter of Sciacca’s history narratedin Francesco Savasta’s Red Book. Translated by Francesco Ferrara
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