Tommaso Fazzello discovers the museum of 5 senses
We welcome you to what we call the widespread Museum of Sciacca, you are on the westside of the city and what you see is one of the doors through which you can access thismuseum. Today with this path we bring you back in time to find the history of the MedievalSciacca, you’ll discover how the walls, the bastions defending the city, and much morewere made!You’ll soon know about the history of a church built three times over centuries and thewonder of another church that will fascinate you for its richness. You’ll learn about the life,the story, and the works of a Dominican father, born in Sciacca and considered one of thefathers of archaeology. Finally, we’ll tell you about an original palace with a façade studdedwith diamond tips.To delve into our historic centre means to travel through time and different cultures, a timemade immortal by the presence of many monuments, churches, and military buildings thatbelong to a past, which past will fascinate you.“Tommaso Fazello scopre il Museo dei 5 sensi” is a path in the historic centre ofSciacca realised with the students of the classes of the didactic directorate 1 st circle“Giovanni XXIII” of Sciacca within the project “Conosco, amo, proteggo” (I know, love,protect), ralised with the help of The Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity,under circular n. 2 of 08/11/2021: Financial interventions in the field of PermanentEducation related to the school year 2021/2022.Thanks to the principal Anna Conti, the teachers and students of the classes VC, VD, VE,VG. Translated by Francesco Ferrara
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