
Hrodna, HR, Belarus
Est. 2.6km / 51 mins

Grodno - Cya On The Road

Hello, my name is Katya and I will be your guide today. We are in Grodno - one of the westernmost and oldest cities in Belarus. The first mentions of Grodno date back to 1128, but some historians claim that the city may be even older, possibly with a founding date of around 1005. Currently, there are about 400 objects of historical and cultural heritage in the city, and Grodno is the leader in the country in terms of the number of sights. It is the only city in Belarus where the contours of the historical centre and architectural monuments of the XVIII-XIX centuries have been preserved in their original form. Grodno is also known for its multinationality and multiculturalism, which explains the approximately equal number of Catholics and Christians in the city. Grodno is often referred to as a museum city and the most European city in Belarus.

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