Greetings, traveller! You have arrived at the very heart of Northern Kurzeme – in Dundaga. Come along! I invite you to explore the trails of Dundaga centre with me.Dundaga can also be called the strategic and historical centre of the Northern Kurzeme and the District of Two Seas. The territory of the medieval castle district, with minor changes, transformed into the territory of Dundaga Manor after the collapse of Livonia. After 1918, it became Dundaga Parish. Before the implementation of the agrarian reform in 1920, Dundaga Manor was the largest among manors in the Baltic governorates of the former Russian Empire, which is now the territory of Latvia and Estonia.The distant sound of the steam whistle of the well-known syrup factory of the 1950s and 1960s can no longer be heard, and perhaps it’s for the best, as the sounds of modern Dundaga are no longer as unsettling. While wandering around the castle, you can often hear music and songs. However, in the summer, you can also hear the croaking of frogs and the clatter of storks. But if you hear something truly unusual, it most definitely comes from the Exotic Animal Park. On Sundays, when the hustle and bustle of work subsides, one can hear church bells that have been ringing in Dundaga for at least 300 years, now with the new sonorous bell of the Lutheran church.
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