Facets of borders

Velykobereznianskyi raion, Ukraine; Turkivskyi raion, Ukraine
Est. 73.1km / 1 day

This driving and walking route is designed for 2-4 days, it all depends on your physical condition, interests and plans. The first part is driving; the second is walking (starting from point 8). You can take the whole route or choose only one of its parts. The tour begins near the Wallachian settlement in the village Myrcha, leads through Velyky Bereznyi, Kniagynia and Lubnia, through the incredible Carpathian Mountains to the source of the river Uzh. Along the way you will visit an arboretum of exotic and relict plants, the site of the fall of Europe's largest meteorite, climb Uzhotskyi Pass and the majestic Vododilnyi range, which divides the Carpathians, countries, regions, climate and water basins.Information about guidesPavlo Khudish - Uzhhorod resident, PhD in history, associate professor, lecturer at Uzhhorod National University. He researches the history of the Jewish community of Transcarpathia in the twentieth century. Among his interests are medieval historical reconstruction, European culture in the period between WWI and WWII, the history of Transcarpathia. You can contact the guide by phone: +38(066) 324-91-13.Yurii Slavik - local historian and guide. He has a double degree - historian and tourism expert. He has a PhD in history, works as an associate professor of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Cultural Studies of Uzhhorod National University, founder and co-organizer of the international festival of medieval culture "Silver Tatosh". Phone: +38(066) 782-18-03.Yurii Cherianyk - guide and mountaineer, author of a number of tourist routes. He considers Uzhanska Valley to be his homeland. He gained excursion experience by working in Ukraine and abroad. He is fond of comparative analysis of the Transcarpathian dialects and the dialects of neighbouring Slavonic people. Phone: +38(095) 316-61-74.Important to know before travelingThe route passes through some border villages - you need to have identification.Point 6. Museum in Lubnia village. If you want to vist museum in Lubnia, please call Mrs. Tetiana Kahanets, tel. +38(050) 690-77-40.Point 8. The walking part of the route starts from point 8. If you are going to take it, please bring appropriate clothes and shoes, water and food. Take the route in the warm season, in winter it can be dangerous.The car can be left in the parking lot near the border service. To pick it up later, you can use the transfer of the "Uzhanski Kupeli" complex, tel.: +38(099) 043-53-95, +38(096) 628-36-54. Part of the route passes through Uzhansky National Park, tel .: +38(03135) 2-38-37, +38(03135) 2-10-37, https://unpp.uz.ua/

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